Vectorworks opplæringsmanualer
Enten du er ny til Vectorworks eller er en erfaren bruker, finner du en opplæringsmanual som er tilpasset ditt nivå. Opplæringsmanualene benytter seg av forskjellige tilnæringer, alt fra en uformell samtale-aktig tone med enkle øvelser til detaljerte trinnvise instruksjoner. Last ned innholdsfortegnelser og eksempler på utvalgte kapitler for å se hvilken manual passer best for dine behov. Mange opplæringsmanualer kommer med eksempel-filer og opplæringsvideoer. I beskrivelsene nedenfor ser du hvilke ytterligere ressurser er inkludert. Informasjon om bestilling av opplæringsmanualene finner du nederst på siden. Alle manualene og tilhørende ressurser er på engelsk. Prisene er eks. mva/frakt innenlands.
Entertainment Design: Scenery, Lighting, and Sound with Vectorworks Spotlight kr. 980This book, written by award-winning scenic and lighting designer Kevin Lee Allen, explores the use of the Vectorworks Spotlight with Renderworks program for use in the entertainment industries. While the methods and techniques described are applicable to film, television, concerts, exhibits, and themed architecture or interiors, this tutorial focuses on a project that creates a lighting, sound, and set designs for the stage, the root of entertainment design. From one step beyond traditional pencil thumbnails, this guide outlines a process of design development and collaboration with other designers and technical staff. The text is tutorial-based and directs the user to create two projects, each supported by a series of simple exercises. The first project is the creation of a simple 3D form, and the second project details the creation of scenic, sound, and lighting designs for a theoretical Broadway production of Romeo & Juliet. Each step of the process, created for either a sole practitioner or a designer working in a team, is laid out as an exercise with step-by-step directions and options to suit individual designers’ work preferences and tastes. The tutorial is perfect as either a classroom text or a self-guided training option. In addition to reflecting the features in Vectorworks 2015 software, the fourth edition of the guidebook will help readers use the new Deform tool, create temporary platforms with Stage Deck tools and model supports with Stage Lift tools, directly edit Light Position objects, and work with new rendering styles. Recommendations and Tips: This tutorial is intended for use with Vectorworks 2015 software and is most applicable for Vectorworks Spotlight with Renderworks 2015 software users. |
3D Modeling with Vectorworks, Seventh Edition kr. 9803D Modeling with Vectorworks provides a hands-on training experience designed to help users create free-form 3D models quickly and effectively. Author and expert Vectorworks trainer Jonathan Pickup has updated the manual with examples, videos, and how-to’s that show how Vectorworks 2015 software’s library of tools can help you place extrudes and primitive shapes onto a working plane, creating curved, more advanced 3D forms that maximize your drawing potential. Pickup’s guide is essential to readers looking to build a foundation of skills in the field of 3D modeling with Vectorworks. Recommendations and Tips: This manual is designed for use with Vectorworks 2015 products. |
Light Plot Deconstructed, Fifth Edition kr. 580Veteran scenic and lighting designer Gregg Hillmar has succeeded again with this fifth edition of Light Plot Deconstructed for Vectorworks Spotlight. The guide, written in an easy-to-follow and insightful manner, reflects Hillmar’s drafting style and functions as a companion handbook to the software to help readers draft light plots more easily. The fifth edition reflects updates in the 2013 version of Vectorworks Spotlight software, including the re-engineered lighting device object, color options for lighting devices, unlimited fields in Label Legends, the new Clip Cube mode and Auto Hybrid command, improved rendering capabilities, increased navigation speed, and more. Readers who purchase this essential resource will gain a better handle on how to approach design and create more spectacular shows. |
Remarkable Renderworks, 2nd Edition kr. 980Remarkable Renderworks, Second Edition® is a must-have tutorial for anyone wanting to become proficient in using Renderworks, the essential rendering tool designed to work seamlessly with Vectorworks® software. This self-paced guide uses an exercise-based format to show you how to create impressive, realistic renderings. You’ll learn to set lighting controls, add map textures and backgrounds, and illuminate scenes with Renderworks’ Heliodon tool, which replicates the sun’s light. The workbook was written by respected architect and long-time Vectorworks user Daniel Jansenson, and it is intended for the Renderworks user who already has some experience with the fundamentals of Vectorworks software. |
Residential Garden Design with Vectorworks Landmark, Seventh Edition kr. 980This tutorial, written by Tamsin Slatter, the leading Vectorworks Landmark expert in the U.K., covers the workflow for residential garden designers using Vectorworks Landmark software. The tutorial and accompanying DVD covers the typical work stages of the residential landscape designer. You will start with setting up your environment and then move through the various stages of the design process in order to create a garden plan that can be presented in both 2D and 3D. The book is designed to build a foundation of essential knowledge to help you understand the way Vectorworks software is intended to work within your design discipline. The exercise-based training covers: Setting up your “Drawing Board” to make starting new projects easy and efficient Adding colors and patterns to objects Drawing up your own or importing a survey Creating a layout plan using simple drafting techniques Working with hard landscaping Using text and dimension tools to add notes to your plans Placing and customizing plants and producing a planting schedule Adding 3D elements to the garden Adding lighting to the garden Applying basic rendering techniques while also learning to produce a “white card” style concept render Creating 3D views, sections, and construction drawings Preparing drawings for printing/sharing Learning to use the Stair and Deform tools This seventh edition of the manual is based on Vectorworks 2015 Landmark with Renderworks software and includes exercise files in the Vectorworks 2015 format only. This manual builds on the Vectorworks Essentials manual, which is designed to show you basic concepts of Vectorworks, such as drawing, modeling, and basic file organization. With step-by-step instructions and full-color illustrations throughout, Residential Garden Design is the ideal reference for Vectorworks Landmark training. |
Vectorworks Architect Tutorial Manual, Seventh Edition kr. 980Design a project for a mock client with this hands-on manual from expert Vectorworks trainer Jonathan Pickup. Updated for use with Vectorworks Architect 2015 software, this tutorial takes you from opening the program to creating data-rich construction documents. Learn how drawing with objects, rather than lines and arcs, helps you draft more efficiently, as well as how Vectorworks software enables your BIM workflow. “Jonathan Pickup’s no nonsense books, with their easy-to-follow graphics and video tutorials, make his manuals the default standard for training on all the Vectorworks packages,” says Architectural Technologist Stephen J. Scaysbrook, MCIAT ACIOB, of Konstrukshon Ltd. “I love the way that Jonathan teaches both Vectorworks software and drawing techniques. His easygoing yet firm approach to the subject is hard to beat.” Recommendations and Tips:
Vectorworks Essentials Tutorial Manual, Seventh Edition kr. 980Whether you’re new to Vectorworks software or want to brush up on the basics, the Vectorworks Essentials Tutorial Manual is a must-have resource for all designers. Updated for use with Vectorworks 2015 and written by expert Vectorworks trainer Jonathan Pickup, this guide is structured to give you a comprehensive overview of the software from when you first open the application to when you generate worksheets from your model. “Jonathan’s teaching methods, as typified in his Essentials Tutorial Manual, are superb, and his manner of explaining techniques, tasks, and tools is wonderfully clear, concise, and well illustrated,” says Neil Barman, Intern Architect, AIBC LEED AP. “Following along with the lessons in the manual guided me to build up my Vectorworks skills with ease. This manual is perhaps the single best resource available for developing a solid foundation with the application.” Recommendations and Tips:
Vectorworks Landmark Tutorial Manual, Fifth Edition kr. 980Written by experienced Vectorworks trainer and author Jonathan Pickup, the Vectorworks Landmark Tutorial Manual provides explanations of Vectorworks Landmark concepts and techniques for users of all levels. The topics discussed apply to both residential and commercial projects. The manual uses a series of exercises to reinforce the features and workflow capabilities of Vectorworks Landmark software, starting with a very simple exercise on landscape budgeting. Content and exercises build in complexity, and by the end of the manual the user will be able to use the plant database, create custom plants, edit the plant graphics, import drawings from consultants, create planting plans, and send the drawings back to a consultant. Recommendations & Tips:
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